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Legal Brief

Tuesday March 11, 2025


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Rob James dot com legal information and notices

The materials contained in Rob James dot com's web site are provided by Rob James dot com and may only be used for informational purposes. By any entity, individual, or system downloading any of the materials, software, and/or contract for services/support contained in any of Rob James dot com's sites, you agree to the terms and provisions as outlined in the legal notice as stated.

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Rob James dot com does, however, welcome your feedback regarding many area(s) of Rob James dot com's existing business, products, services, and/or support. If you want to send us your feedback, and we widh you to do so, we simply request that you send it to us via the contact page. Please provide only specific feedback on Rob James dot com's existing products, services, support, or marketing strategies; please don't include any ideas that Rob James dot com's policy will not permit/tollorate it to accept or consider. It is just one more way that Rob James dot com can learn how to best satisfy your unique business needs and desires.

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Rob James dot com, intends for the information, products, services, support, newsletter(s), and data contained in the Rob James dot com website(s) to be accurate and reliable; however, since the information and data have been compiled/created by Rob James dot com from a variety of sources/vendors, it is provided "as is." ROBERT JAMES EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES AND/OR CONDITIONS, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AS TO ANY MATTER WHATSOEVER RELATING TO OR REFERENCED BY THE WWW.ROBJAMES.COM WEB SITE, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES AND/OR CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY OR SATISFACTORY QUALITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON INFRINGEMENT.

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